Holy Spirit You are Welcome Here

Ok, guys, I know that I have been touch and go on here. I must admit this journey God has me on is awesomely wild. This past weekend was the international convention for my business and company. If you have never been affiliated with a Jesus founded and Bible based company then you haven’t ever lived. Myself and my team were recognized on stage in front of 30 thousand people. All Honor and glory be to God. There is no way I would have been able to do that or lead my partners to do that if I wasn’t following the Holy Spirit. It’s funny how things work out. God has shown me so much transpiring in the back ground. I’ve been given the stories and testimonies and struggles of leaders that are some of the most influential in network marketing and of the world. I saw others for who they really are at points. God revealed to me somethings that aren’t as wonderful. God is of the details. He plans for His beloved to be set up for life in abundance. Subsequently, that means the blessings overflow unto those around them. Couple scriptures come to mind; Psalms  105:15 and 1 Chronicles 16:22 both speak of not doing harm to the anointed and chosen of God. While Luke 4:24, Mark 6:4, and Matthew 13:57 all inform us that a prophet is not accepted in his/her home town. I realized this in a great magnitude when others whom I never thought in a million years to betray or slander me did so behind my back and then smile and plead innocents to me while being promoted through my business because of me. How often do we remember that God is one of details. I thank God for those people. I need them in my life. Without them my life wouldn’t reflect the Word of God. John 15:18-27 is a key factor. At one point even Jesus mother Mary called Him “unstable” and “unbalanced” to the crowd He was preaching to. Matthew 7:16 shows you that you must look at the fruit that a person bears to know their heart. All that has happened in my life and my business has been a strategic plan by God. As I have grown into my walk and strength in my faith I see this more so now than ever before. By His will I was able to attend an exclusive pool party hosted by the leaders of my business. It was here that you realized that these people are the ones who are highly favored by God. So much so that our ENTIRE organization were brought together by God because of how strong and devout our faith in Him is. Because He knows that we would never deny Him and bring others to Him as well as show them how to gain life in abundance with Him. Father God is so AMAZING. and Jesus continuously leaves me in AWE of Him. As the day proceeded and we had tons of fun and networked with the best of the best in the industry, in the company, and as people of faith, God had another plan in mind. There was an impromptu worship. A beautiful pianist sat at the piano and started to play. As she played 2 girls began to sing, though beautiful voices they were hard to hear over the piano. God is one of the details. Soon enough the ones meant to be there where drawn to the room. Even if they couldn’t hear the music. That is when God used my voice. God has blessed me with what is known as a “power house” voice. When He did, Holy Spirit blanketed the room so heavily and thick that a young girl gave her life to Jesus at that moment. Gentlemen, highly respected and successful,  fell into worship and praise. Tears of joyous worship and humbled praise fell from every eye. It was the single most amazing thing God has ever used me for. I pray He uses me again and again and again for bigger and greater things to glorify Him. Don’t take this testimony as a brag. I tell you because God is that AWESOME. Who am I? I am nothing but sin wrapped in flesh if it wasn’t for Jesus Christ who died on the cross for me. I can’t do anything if it wasn’t for God who wakes me up, puts air in my lungs, and tells my heart to beat. I AM NOTHING literally, with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I open my heart and myself and my life to be used by Him for His Glory.

Holy Spirit You are welcomed here. (place hand over heart) Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere. Your Holy presence is what our hearts long for. To be overwhelmed by your presence Lord.

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